Welcome to Shaun Luttin's public notebook. It contains rough, practical notes. The guiding idea is that, despite what marketing tells us, there are no experts at anything. Sharing our half-baked ideas helps everyone. We're all just muddling thru. Find out more about our work at bigfont.ca.

Orchard Built in Fields and Their Settings

Tags: orchard-cms

Most are in Orchard.Fields.

  1. BooleanField
  2. DateTimeField
  3. EnumerationField
  4. InputField
  5. LinkField
  6. NumericField
  7. MediaLibraryPickerField (In Orchard.MediaLibrary)
  8. TextField (In Orchard.Core.Common)
  9. TaxonomyField (In Orchard.Taxonomies – you might have to get it from the Gallery)


  1. string Hint
  2. bool Optional
  3. string NotSetLabel
  4. string OnLabel
  5. string OffLabel
  6. SelectionMode SelectionMode
  7. bool? DefaultValue


  1. DateTimeFieldDisplays Display
  2. string Hint
  3. bool Required


  1. InputType Type (text, url, tel, email)
  2. string Title
  3. string Hint
  4. bool Required
  5. bool AutoFocus
  6. bool AutoComplete
  7. string Placeholder
  8. string Pattern
  9. string EditorCssClass
  10. int MaxLength


  1. string Hint
  2. bool Required
  3. TargetMode TargetMode (None, NewWindow, Parent, Top, UserChoice)
  4. LinkTextMode LinkTextMode (Optional, Required, Static, Url)
  5. string StaticText


  1. string DisplayedContentTypes (e.g. Image, Video, Audio, Document, OEmbed).
  2. bool Multiple
  3. string Hint
  4. bool Required


  1. string Flavor (e.g. Html, Text, Markdown)
  2. string Hint
  3. bool Required


  1. bool AllowCustomTerms
  2. string Taxonomy
  3. bool LeavesOnly
  4. bool SingleChoice
  5. bool Autocomplete
  6. string Hint
  7. IEnumerable<TaxonomyPart> Taxonomies
  8. bool Required